Sunday, March 30, 2008



Please note that there's a dinner or lunch on the 4th Apr. It is open only for the following people.

1. Primers

2. NCO Council '07 and '08

3. All Adventure Quest Participants

For those who are participating in Adventure Quest please note that you will be staying over at either Alex's or Melvin's house.And you will be departing to the starting point of Adventure Quest in the early morning of 5th April. Therefore inform your parents you'll be staying over.
The venue will be confirm on the 2nd April.

Please confirm your attendance with Jonathan Lee by 1th April. Thank You

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Parade Order For 28Mar

This would be the parade order for this week parade

Time / Event

1)1400-1410 Fall in / Taking Attendance

2)1410-1445 Drills

3)1445-1530 Devotion and Singspiration

4)1530-1630 First Aid

5)1530-1730 Games

The attire for this parade will be in full uniform, Bring along your PT kit too.

COS: Joel Chee

Kindly note that for this week Sec 1- 3 will be doing first aid badge stage 1,2,3 respectively.


In Charge / OIC

1)Jonathan Lee, Joel/ Eisen

2)Stanley and Wen Yew /Alex

3)Li Yuan

4)Johnathan Shih /Ying Han

5)Zhong Yan and Jun xian / Daniel

Monday, March 17, 2008

Parade Order 19/03/08 (Games Day)

Hi, Hopes everyone enjoy the camp and miss it.

This week parade will be games day. Lets hope everyone will enjoy themselves and relax. :)

Everyone are suppose fall in in their PT kit at 2.00pm


Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Long Night

After a tiring long walk, a continuation from Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, some of us walked on...and on...and on. The grilling started at that prata place where we had to wait for an hour before all the boys were being served with the food that was ordered, these boys plotted the new MGR and find the distance of the road.

Many of them were unsure of the route itself, i remembered a question asked, "why the checkpoint is in the middle of the water body?" It wasn't wrong at all because of the map that we used was not quite up to date. They had some uncertainties along the way, however each of them stop quite accurately at the checkpoint, making use of local knowledge, road signs, canals, railway track, mrt tracks.

Finally they reached the ending point, most of them were half dead even i was quite drained. Nevertheless, they all mustered up whatever they had left for the last picture taken (shown above) before collapsing on the taxi and in Sir Daniel's car. Yes, the picture was taken in the middle of the water body but we are still u know why???

Many thanks to Sir Daniel which was our safety vehicle through the night and of cause pastor william loke our one and only Chaplin who suggested the route and brought me around the place, with great confidence and experience he shared with me the places around west coast all the way to science park area. When all the ideas that popped into his mind along the way, truly he is the real guru of it all. :D

Signing off,
Ying Han