Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Parade Order For Feb 1

This would be the parade order for this week.

1)1400-1415 Fall in / Taking Attendance
2)1415-1500 Drills
3)1500-1600 Singspiration and Devotion
4)1600-1630 Badgework
5)1630-1730 Games

The attire for this parade will be in full uniform, Bring along your PT kit too.
COS: Chun Chie

Kindly also note that Sec 3 would be teaching the sec1 target badge and Sec 1 will be starting on their target badge.


1)Jonathan Lee, Chun Chie/ Eisen
2)Stanley Soh, Wen Yew / Eisen
3)Liyuan Sean / YingHan
4)JohnathanShih and Marcus/ YingHan
5)Zhong Yan/ Daniel

Saturday, January 26, 2008

73rd Company T-Shirt

Hi everyone,
As said during parade yesterday.The dateline for the company tee will be extended until 28th jan. Please do send me ur ideas to Do remember to send it as "73rd company tee" or something similar.

Remiding of Things to be included into our company tee:
1)Our object for this year which is "Year of faithfulness" with the year "2008" or "08" on it
2)BB logo
3)Our company "73rd"

You can add other thigs if you want (e.g pictures or design something new which relate to our company)
You can draw it and scan into the computer or use any programms u know to design the tee shirt. Do indicate the colours also.

Do remember it is compulsory to buy the t-shirt.So if no one take the intiative to design and outcome of company tee is not nice don't blame us.(By Mr Chia)

Alex Chu

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sec 2 Badges

Sec3 Badges

Sec 4 Badges

These are the people who got the following badges. Please put on the correct stage for the respective badges. All the best!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Parade Order For 25 Jan

This would be the parade order for this week parade

Time / Event
1)1400-1415 Fall in / Taking Attendance
2)1415-1500 Drills
3)1500-1530 Devotion and Singspiration
4)1530-1630 Badgework
5)1630-1730 Games

The attire for this parade will be in full uniform, Bring along your PT kit too.
COS: Low Pui Ngai

Kindly note that its badge giving this week and only those who are in full uniform. Those who are not able to make it must have valid reasons and offical documents given to Mr Chia or you would have to wait a long time before getting the badges.

Kindly also note that Sec 3 would be doing drill stage 2 and Sec 1 will be starting on their target badge.

In Charge / OIC
1)Jonathan Lee, Pui Ngai / Eisen
2)Stanley and Wen Yew /Eisen
3)Liyuan/ YingHan, Sean
4)JohnathanShih and Marcus Hoo / YingHan
5) Zhong Yan and Jun xian / Daniel

Friday, January 18, 2008

Designing 73rd Company T-Shirt

Hi everyone,
I am helping to design the company tee shirt for our coy. If u are intrested in helping to design, please do send me ur ideas to
Things to be included into our company tee:
1)Our object for this year which is "Year of faithfulness" with the year "2008" or "08" on it
2)BB logo
3)Our company "73rd"

You can add other thigs if you want (e.g pictures or design something new which relate to our company)
You can draw it and scan into the computer or use any programms u know to design the tee shirt. Do indicate the colours also.
Please do name the email u send to me as "73rd company tee" or something similar as i may delete emails if i am not sure what is it without reading it.
Please do send to me by 25 Jan.Thank You.

Thank You

Alex Chu
Sorry for no parade order on 18/1/08 due to busy schedule.
Apologize for any inconvenience cause.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Parade Order 11/1/08

This would be the parade order for this week parade

Time / Event
1)1400-1415 Fall in / Taking Attendance
2)1415-1500 Devotion and Singspiration
3)1500-1700 Games
4)1700-1715 Feasting

The attire for this parade will be in full uniform as its BB day on that day.


In Charge / OIC
1)Jonathan Lee, Wei Boon / Eisen
2)Liyuan / Sean,YingHan
3)ZhongYan, Jun Xian